EOI Agreement for Management Team

Agreement Letter

EOI Agreement

Parties: This agreement as a written commitment has been agreed and signed between the European organization for Integration (hereinafter referred to as the “EOI”)  Based in Berlin-Germany; and the

Volunteer who´s name and details will be given below

Both sides with full consent have concluded this agreement on the following “terms” and conditions:

Effect of Prior Agreements: This agreement override all previous agreed, whether written or verbal, between the EOI and Volunteer.

Terms of Agreement/Position: The EOI agrees with the Volunteer for the position of  Mnagement team member  for a period of (one year) with fully voluntary work/activity which will officially start on Dec 01, 2022 and will end on December 31, 2023, the agreement is automatically renewable for another year depending on both parties performance ratings.

In some cases, the Volunteer may be required to travel to other places as required, Of-course with full consent and at the expense of the EOI. From time to time, the Volunteer may also be required to carry out duties that may not be stated in this agreement, but with the annex agreed upon by both parties. (Job Description is attached if necessary by the EOI).

Probationary Period: This agreement with the volunteer will go through a Probationary Period for a period of three months (90 Days). The probationary period is a period when the EOI will undergo close monitoring and assessment of B’s performance. During this period, EOI or B can decide to terminate the agreement by giving seven (7)days’ notice.

Working Hours and Overtime: Due to the nature of the agreement, until there is no project, will not be any payment with this commitment (because this is a fully voluntary activity). Therefore the work hours and work days will be assigned by team leader with the full consent of the Volunteer.

Conflict of Interest/ Restriction Compensation and, Competition with EOI activities: During the period of this agreement, the Volunteer will not carry out any other parallel or activity, agreement, business, political or other roles that make against the EOI’s policies and activities and shall not consult to any other organizationion with similar activities.

Alternatively, for any paid or unpaid, which competes with or conflicts with his/her agreement with the EOI, the Volunteer agrees to abide by the Policies and procedures of the EOI, based on German laws and regulations.

Confidentiality of Proprietary Information: The Volunteer is agreed that during the term of his/her agreement, with the EOI not to reveal confidential information, or activities secrets to any person, firm, corporation, or entity. If the Volunteer reveals the information, the EOI shall be entitled to an injunction restraining, the Volunteer from disclosing the same, or from rendering any activities to any other entity/irrelevant person or organization. The right to secure an injunction is not exclusive and, the EOI may pursue any other legal action against the Volunteer for a breach of this condition, including the recovery of damages from the Volunteer.

Also for so long as active agreement, the volunteer shall not disclose or communicate any "Confidential Information" of EOI to any person or entity other than EOI leadership nor use said "Confidential Information" for any purpose or reason other than the advantages of EOI. For purposes of the preceding sentence, "Confidential Information" means (but is not limited to) any information regarding EOI's methods, activities, policies, procedures, techniques, research or development projects or results, information of any kind, financial and initiatives, secrets or other knowledge possessed by EOI which is not generally known by individuals outside of the EOI.

Also, "Confidential Information" shall additionally include, but not be limited to, the following information of EOI:

  • Personal information from the management, members, lists, and their private information,
  • All strategies, tactics, forms, initiatives, or, methods;
  • Information from the projects under process and development;
  • Internal EOI reports of any kind;

In the same way, the EOI is also obligated to keep confidentiality the volunteer's data and personal information safe and not share it with other irresponsible people without her/his written consent.


Termination of Agreement: Nature termination of this agreement will be performed in this manner:

Resignation/Ending the agreement by consent: If any party wishes to terminate this agreement is obligated, and must give 15 days’ written notice to the other side.


Layoff/Termination by EOI: The EOI may terminate this agreement with any of the following events occur:

  • If the volunteer is found to be violating the agreement or in breach of policies, and/or his/her performance is not satisfactory the EOI shall terminate the agreement with a 15 days written note.
  • If the position is no longer necessary or when all or part of activities gets slow-down. 
  • If the EOI's decision to terminate its activities and liquidate its assets. 
  • If the merger or consolidation of the EOI happens with another Organization.


Assistance in Litigation: The volunteer shall upon reasonable notice, furnish such information and proper assistance to the EOI as it may reasonably require in connection with any litigation in which it is, or may become, a party during the agreement.


The volunteer further acknowledges that he/she has carefully read this agreement fully and understood all of it, and had the opportunity to review and discuss it, also it is intended that this agreement be valid and enforceable under the laws of the German government.

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